Check your Dark Web
Monitoring Report
+ Credit Report and Score.
Step 1 of 2 for Your Up-to-Date Dark Web and Credit Report for 19th April 2024
Sign up to CreditScorePRO for FREE
14 Day Trial. £24.95 per month after trial. Cancel at any time during the trial without charge.
How would you like us to communicate with you?
Dark Web Scans
Scan the Dark Web for breaches of your personal data, including name, email address and passwords that could harm your credit rating.
Instant updates
We offer 24 / 7, on demand, live updates to your credit report and credit score.
Worry Free Monitoring
We track your credit report for instances of fraud or changes that may impact your overall credit score.
Improve your credit rating
Correct any errors within your credit file using our easy access dispute service, and the support of our friendly and knowledgeable customer support team.
About CreditScorePRO
CreditScorePRO offers our UK customers the ability to scan the Dark web for instances of data breaches that may expose their personal details and passwords. We also provide members with access to their full credit file and credit score, supported by our friendly UK customer support team.
We’ll provide a detailed Dark Web report and help you to minimise any instances of data breaches we discover online.
Our friendly UK based customer support team pride themselves on offering an excellent level of service.
We’ll help you locate and dispute any errors within your credit file that could be impacting your credit score.
After your 14 Day Trial period ceases, the membership charge is £24.95 per month. Note that you can cancel your subscription without any charge by contacting us before the end of the 14 Day Trial period. To ensure a consistent service once the trial period ends you will be charged the membership fee of £24.95 and it will appear as on a monthly basis. The membership fee will be charged to the same card you use to sign up to access our service.